Month: July 2022

A wall of fire outlined the stampede of people rushing toward the door Frank just passed through.  “There’s not enough room in the stairwell,” he whimpered, slamming the door behind him, and turning the lock. has just published my latest training article. This one discusses how to facilitate in hybrid learning situations. When you, or any part of your audience is a mixture of remote or in-person, you will have to prepare in vastly different ways to convey your message. Check it out here: Distance Is No Barrier: How

Great news today! I learned that one of my short stories, “The Hunger Shrine” has been accepted for publication in Dragon Soul Press’s anthology Beautiful Darkness, Volume 1. The book should be available later this year. I will update this when a publication date has been set. To whet your appetite, “The Hunger Shrine” takes

Ted’s thrill at getting the job soured when he learned just what his duty entailed.  Perhaps he should have asked a follow-up question when he was told that he would feed the animals.